Friday, March 13, 2015

On Peace (part 1)

Honesty is such a lonely word, everyone is so untrue... ♫♫♫



I wonder.

If the word "peace" shall also be personified, what word will be enough to describe its feeling? Lonely? I think not. That will be an understatement. I might be able to use all the dark adjectives from the dictionary but no word will fit the fragile, glass shoes.

Since time immemorial, people seem to find the word peace so confusing. Yet, deep down we understand what the word means for the plain reason that it can be felt. Unfortunately, so many people are mixing ideologies and religion with it they seem to forget that peace is peace. Peace is not the offspring of war. Peace shouldn't ignite a desire to exterminate the "different ones."

Peace is a form of love. Love should be kind and beautiful. Peace is what everybody deserves, No one has the right to take one from anybody. No one.

I have always wanted to write something about peace. With all this screaming violence and heart breaking stories of people dying everywhere, I feel like we should get involved in our little ways.

There are too many things to say, too many things to do. I want the world to take a moment and listen. But in all honesty, I don't know what to say exactly. But maybe, just maybe with this precious read I have found at I can send a message. I hope to ignite a spark somewhere, somehow. Even in that little room in one person's heart.


Truly, the world is such a tiny object in the universe and it's just amusing to think that people are shedding blood for power over something so pathetically diminutive.

Here's my favorite part. 

 I promise to write my own insights next time. ♥ 

1 comment:

  1. i hope i can talk to you about peace, love, and all FACE TO FACE. i badly need you... :-(
